Author: Ryan Henry

  1. Industrial Fire
  2. Training
Industrial Fire Familiarization: Flammable Liquid Firefighting One of the lesser touched on subjects of the firefighting world is that of flammable liquids, and techniques for extinguishment.  Today we will focus on the control and extinguishment of “Heavy” flammable liquids.  When I use the term “Heavy” I mean those of which that are longer chained hydrocarbons.  […]
  1. Training
Developing a Strategy for a Multiagency Hazardous Materials Response:  Clandestine Drug Laboratories-NFPA 472  By Michael Shedd Clandestine Laboratories, trafficking, and production whether narcotic or explosive based in nature, continue to be an issue nationwide with production types varying in type. From residential structures, hotels, schools, shops or in vehicles there is no limit on these […]