Wash. Company Blends In-Person, Online Hazmat Training
More than 10 years ago, a small group of hazmat professionals saw a training gap in the industry. Looking at agencies that lack continuing training, they felt the need to
More than 10 years ago, a small group of hazmat professionals saw a training gap in the industry. Looking at agencies that lack continuing training, they felt the need to
Based in Slovakia, this two-person operation kicked off nearly five years ago with the mission of helping civilians learn to survive a CBRN incident. The project aims to teach civilians
Nestled between Miami and Fort Lauderdale is the city of Hollywood, Fla. The city, and it’s fire department, started off small. But that has all changed. Hollywood Fire Rescue was
In the fire service, volunteers have a history of being resourceful. With funding, staffing and training difficult to procure, being resourceful has been a matter of survival. The same holds
It shouldn’t be a surprise that Venezuela’s largest fire department has a substantial, dedicated hazmat team. In fact, it was hazmat that put the city on the map. The northern
Since 2018, Intervir.Pt has been educating hazmat teams, first responders and anyone who may have to deal with a hazmat emergency. The two-member team is prolific on both social media
In 2019 a small group of women set out to take on a big hazmat problem — CBRN. The 10-member CBRN Women are co-located in Norway and Lebanon and tout
Across the United States, the Department of Defense through the National Guard operates 57 Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams. There is one WMD CST for each state and
Springing from an EMS training program, the privately held training company National First Responder Training Complex has extended into hazmat, rescue, OSHA and industrial response training. With 20 highly trained