HazMat Suit – PPE Quiz

What NFPA standard covers protective ensembles for first responders to CBRN Terrorism Incidents?

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OSHA 1910.120(g)(3)(ii) states PPE shall be selected based on:

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NFPA defines 4 protective ensemble classes. Which class provides the highest level of vapor protection ?

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OSHA classifies a typical FD work uniform as what level of protection ?

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According to OSHA, Level B and C PPE are essentially the same except for what major difference?

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Of the 4 major hazards to responders, which is considered the greatest hazard?

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When faced with a splash hazard with a known level of contaminant and amount (with no respiratory danger), What level of protection is most appropriate?

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What is the most probable OSHA Level of PPE for a scenario involving chlorine in a confined atmosphere?

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OSHA 1910.120(q) specifies levels of training for personnel. What level of training is best suited for Level A entries?

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OSHA 1910.134 is the regulation for what method of personal protection?

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HazMat Suit - PPE Quiz
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